Dota 2 art
В интернете много чего можно найти особенно для Dota 2,вот и мне пришлось недавно наткнуться на довольно замечательную вещь.А вы задумывались как создается арт да верно рисуется и главное в этом именно процесс рисования.Ниже представлю вам очень завораживающее зрелище обычное рисование арта только в ускоренном режиме.Версия для англоязычных пользователей.
Dota 2 speed art
On the Internet you can find a lot of things especially for Dota 2 , that I had recently stumbled on a pretty wonderful thing. And you wonder how to create art drawn and yes it is true thing in this is the process of drawing . Below introduce you to a very fascinating spectacle usual drawing art only in an accelerated mode .
This video clearly shows the entire drawing process from start to completion . Everything looks quite dynamic and fun to watch as individual parts are drawn . This accelerated full version is about 40 minutes and 40 minutes to look pretty boring , in an accelerated version of the same as seen on your eyes emerges quite a good quality Dota 2 art.
Interesting video where not drawn a little known hero as Pudge.V video is pretty good hearing music . On this drawing art the author took a little more than 3 hours , decent work is done in Photoshop and most importantly in this true style that saved Dota 2 . Details are perfectly legible author of this vidio and ended drawing so pleasing to the eye .
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Все для Dota 2,новости и обзоры.
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